5 Dariya News

Punjab State Traders Commission Meeting with Various Trade Associations; Assurance of Quick Fulfillment of Legitimate Demands

5 Dariya News

Chandigarh 18-Dec-2023

Vineet Verma, Member of the Punjab State Traders Commission, held a meeting with representatives from various business sectors. During the meeting, the member carefully listened to the demands of the traders and assured a prompt fulfillment of their legitimate demands. 

He assured the representatives that their demands would be forwarded to the concerned department for resolution. He mentioned that the Punjab government, led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, is committed to resolving the problems faced by the state's traders and is making sincere efforts for the development of industries. 

He emphasized that traders always play a crucial role in the prosperity of the state and contribute significantly to the country's economy. He added that traders are an integral part of society, and their issues will be addressed on a priority basis.