5 Dariya News

Varun Jain says he's happy to play a positive character at last

5 Dariya News

Mumbai 17-Dec-2021

Actor Varun Jain, who plays the parallel lead role of Chirag Modi in the television show 'Tera Mera Saath Rahe', says he is happy to play a positive character after a long time.He said: "I have earlier played grey and negative characters; now, when I am finally essaying a positive character, I'm literally enjoying the experience. As an actor, I always want to play different and challenging roles. I believe in growing, not doing the same thing time and again. 

So, I'm happy with my new onscreen image."Varun is best-known for playing the role of Mohit in the popular television show 'Diya Aur Baati Hum', but he revealed that once the show went off air, life was a struggle even though he had become quite famous."I have understood that a career in acting is actually a struggle. Once a show goes off air, an artiste has to struggle to get into another one. And once you have done a popular role, your greed doesn't allow you to essay a smaller role. We need a lot of patience to deal with such situations. Such situations teach us important life lessons."