5 Dariya News

DC Mansa joins campaign with health workers to make people aware against Corona

5 Dariya News

Mansa 03-Jul-2020

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mansa Mohinder Pal on Friday, joined health workers for the door to door awareness campaign under ‘Mission Fateh’ launched by Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh for making the people aware about the precautions to be taken for checking the spread of the Corona Virus pandemic in the district.Deputy Commissioner accompanied by Civil Surgeon Dr Lal Chand was here at Mother and Child Healthcare centre to launch the door-to-door sensitisation drive by the health workers. Under the campaign, ASHA and ANM workers were to go door to door to sensitise residents against the Coronavirus disease.While commencing the campaign, Deputy Commissioner and Civil Surgeon joined the health workers and distributed pamphlets at doorsteps to encourage people to strictly adhere to the safety protocols including wash hands frequently, maintain social distance, wear face masks and don’t spit. Deputy Commissioner also asked people to download the COVA app and become a Mission Fateh Warrior. “The aim of Punjab Government’s Mission Fateh was to spread the message of resilience, resolve and discipline to defeat the Coronavirus among residents,” he said.Civil Surgeon Dr Lal Chand said that the door-to-door activity was carried out by ASHA and ANM workers in every block of the district to aware people against the Coronavirus. He said that people were being encouraged to lead by example, advise others about the precautions to be taken and report violations that come to their notices.Civil Surgeon said that the ‘Mission Fateh’ was a true reflection of the Punjabi spirit that could overcome all odds to emerge victorious adding that the campaign was aimed at broadening the ambit of Mission Fateh beyond the frontline workers thereby transforming the fight against Covid-19 into a mass movement.