5 Dariya News

CMA organized Health Wellness Program at Sukhna Lake

5 Dariya News

Chandigarh 14-Aug-2016

Chandigarh Management Association organized Health Wellness Program at Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh. Dr. Sandeep Jassal, MD (AM), PGD Preventive & Promotive Health Apollo Hospital, Family Physician & Wellness Consultant and Dt. Pallavi Jassal,  Diet, Nutrition Health Consultant from Live Life More ,were key note speakers on the occasion. Dr. Aneet Bedi, President, CMA presided over the event.Dr. Jassal said at the moment that unhealthy lifestyle is the biggest killer in the world today resulting in 80% of premature deaths.According to him wrong diet, lack of physical activity, obesity & stress are the major culprits, which manifest themselves innocently as high blood pressure, diabetes or high blood cholesterol and then without warning, strike fatally as heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure or cancer. 

Dietitian Pallavi Jassal said that the long-term preventive benefits can be derived from a customized Optimal Diet & Lifestyle program in accordance to your food preferences, problem areas, body structure, metabolism, and lifestyle & disease risk profile.Many industrialists, professionals, academicians including J.S.Bedi, Chairman, Gian Jyoti Group and CMA members were present on the occasion.Chairman Gain Jyoti Group motivated to do manual work, exercise & eat nutritious diet to get into Shape.Aneet Bedi. President, CMA, encouraged to take a more active role in their health and motivated eat better and take better care of themselves. According to her it is high time to motivate residents that Instead of fast food consumption of fruit and vegetable should be increased along with exercise and physical activities.