5 Dariya News

Alchemist finds a Novel way to Nail Dengue…

5 Dariya News

Chandigarh 19-Sep-2015

Dengue which has taken the form of an Epidemic in India can now be curtailed through a doctor’s prescription of IGTG FORTE, a brand of a well-known company Alchemist Pharma. Alchemist brand IGTG FORTE not only strengthens the immune system of the body but has also found use in Cancer, AIDS, Swine Flu and 108 such life threatening diseases.Gaurav Arora, Assistant Vice President of Alchemist Pharma which is head quartered at Delhi, told that India is suffering from the biggest outbreak of Dengue after 2010. The dreadful effects of Dengue are increasing every year and the death count due to dengue is continuously increasing. 

The company, in 2013-14, decided to work and find out something novel to fight this deadly disease. He told that a new born baby is highly susceptible to infections whereas when the child grows through different phases of life and becomes an adult, he needs all the more immunity due to increasing pollution and proliferation of disease causing micro organisms.. That’s why Doctors normally advise  mothers to breast feed their newborn for initial 2-3 days without fail as “Colostrum” (the initial thick milk) is secreted in mother’s milk. Taking clue from this, taking  “Bovine Colostrum” as the source, Alchemist Pharma introduced this drug under the brand name IGTG FORTE in capsule form, and the results were really astounding.  Indian and World renowned Doctor’s, Institutions and Hospitals have recommended this drug as an effective line of  treatment for dengue.  In Dengue, platelet count  in human body starts falling sharply and When there is a decrease in the platelets count in blood, the only option left with the doctors is, Platelets Transfusion, and Hospitalization of the patient.

Intake of IGTG FORTE is said to increase the platelets count and it is likely that patient need not be hospitalized also. Doctors have validated that the platelets count starts increasing as early as Day 3 after intake of IGTG FORTE. Most renowned doctors are astonished with its results. They are also of the opinion that the drug is completely natural and free from side effects.Mr. Arora also told that doctors have clinically validated that there is a considerable amount of increase in the blood platelets after a dose of 2 capsule three times a day for just 5-7 days. He told that IGTG FORTE can be given in almost all types of viral infections. It tones up the immune system of the body to fight infections besides considerably increasing Platelets.